Axel and Velotraum

On January 1, 2024, Axel Keller, our managing director, took over the bicycle manufacturer from Weil der Stadt from the founder and former owner Stefan Stiener. Axel and Stefan have a very close business relationship and friendship that has lasted for years. Stefan describes him as a very experienced and well-connected industry expert who takes Velotraum “under his wing”. From now on, the two will work even closer together, because the “formers” are not yet saying goodbye to Velotraum.

You can read more about what led Stefan Stiener and his wife Patricia Rose to sell Velotraum, how the process was and what the future will bring at Velotraums website.

By purchasing Velotraum GmbH & Co. KG from Axel Keller as a private person, nothing will change for us as a company and for our team. Except that we are moving a little closer together with Velotraum, one of our first and longest-standing customers, and are a little more closely connected and interwoven than before through our shared managing director Axel.

We are very pleased to continue working with Velotraum on the development and production of their unique bikes and wish Axel and the entire Velotraum team a successful start into the new Velotraum era!

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